你要看到事业垂成,必需努力向前,不可休息,决不可因疲乏而静止; 你要认清全面的世界,必需广开你的眼界; 你要认清事物的本质,必需审问追究到底。 只有恒心可以使你达到目的, 只有博学可以使你明辨世事, 真理常常藏在事物的深底。

Sunday, April 19, 2009

交代 (1)

一年前,像其它学生命科学的同志们,觉得自己的将来是在实验室里度过。于是暑期的FYP很用功,一直做了半年。年末的FYP 讲演很成功,教授都夸赞。心里也美滋滋的,好像未来已经掌握在自己手里。可是路途很坎坷,以后遇到种种不顺,让我自己重新反省自我。GPA 的弱势让我看透。我也彻底讨厌那个所谓的XX漂来的教授。纵使自己有千百个抱怨,我也只能忍气吞声,因为我不强,我不够资格说。转向另一条路:找工作。今年又金融风暴。我无语。不久又收到学校注册考试组的通知,我的学分未修够。简直要歇斯底里。但陈给我出了一主意:不如延期毕业。我知道这是给自己缓冲的机会。可是强烈的失败感让我对校园意外的社会产生恐惧感,我还没ready.还没ready! 延期毕业的话,这样我就多出一个暑假,于是我报了一些去国外的活动,一个是UC GOAL Programme(Barcelona)3星期,还有一个是WATUSA去美国打暑期工的,2.5 个月。我想尽量抓住现有的机会,再出去走走。没走出去的,可能真的不知道这个世界到底有多大;可能真不知道这个世界优秀的人有多少。可是现在签证方面除了很多问题。写信求助联合院长,学生辅导长,中大辅导长。似乎又多了一线希望。但也还悬而未决。信的内容一部分如下:

I told myself to make great use of my extra and final university summer holidays. I decided not to take summer course in CUHK, but go abroad to explore foreign culture and myself. I gave up university exchange programme last year, which made me very regretful. I can't miss this chance anymore. After making up my mind to do this, I applied for the UC GOAL Programme (Spain) and a work and travel programme in USA (WATUSA, it is a 2 and a half months working programme in USA starting from early June to late August held by Intrinsic). I took interviews for both and I was accepted for both of them. These programmes allow me not only to learn language but also enhance my abilities in self-growth, independence, culture communication and dealing with tough things.

I encounter difficulties in VISA application. I tried to communicate with the staff of the Registration and Examination Section, but it was useless. My problems are explained below:

I need to apply for a Schengen VISA and a London Transit VISA for the UC GOAL Progamme (Spain) from 16 May to 6 June. The Spanish Consulate says that I should get the Extension of Stay Application HK (student) firstly and then can apply for Schengen VISA and then London Transit VISA. All in all, the above means I can only apply for Extension of Stay Application HK (student), Schengen VISA, and London Transit VISA in order. It is really urgent for me to apply for 3 VISAs in this short period (they should be done before 15May, 2009, and there are at least 7 working days for each one). It is impossible that if I apply for them and get them in a regular way.

For the Extension of Stay Application, I should apply for and obtain from Registration and Examinations Section the certifying letters indicating my period of study, which ought to be extended to Dec. 2009.

However, staff of the Registration and Examination Section said this certifying letter would be issued on30 June, 2009. If so, the only thing I can do is to give up the two programmes.


CAO,Yu Xia